New IKEA hack: the magazine on the STUVA collection

From standard IKEA to stylishly responsible
A play corner for the children is a must in every living room. But how do you transform standard IKEA furniture into a stylish, responsible play corner that matches your interior? DroomHout makes a beautiful solid oak top completely tailor-made for you, so you can have a beautiful whole in your living room on a low budget.
The leaf grows along with it
The solid oak top, which you can order in the slender 18 mm or the more robust 30 mm variant, always fits on your STUVA FRITIDS toy chest or STUVA MÅLAD chests of drawers. The toy box has a height of 50 cm and is ideal for children who are just starting to walk and have not yet gone to school. Place a small chair at the play table and your little one can color, build and play on the solid wooden top. If you choose our treatment with matte clear varnish, you do not have to worry about stains, which can be removed with a wet, warm cloth. As long as you don't leave a permanent marker lying around or a good hard hammer.
When your little one goes to school, their knees will no longer fit under the 50 cm high play table and the STUVA MÅLAD chest of drawers is a nice successor as support. Your toddler can do crafts, paint and draw on a tray with a height of 64 cm. Or just play on the tablet in his own play corner. And you will benefit from more organized drawers than one large toy box.
With the STUVA GRUNDLIG adjustable legs you can even raise the whole thing a bit afterwards so that you can enjoy your IKEA hack for even longer!
Finally, the loft bed STUVA FÖLJA and FRITIDS is a nice successor, a wooden top also looks beautiful on this desk under the loft bed!
What size do you want?
The depth of the top is 52 cm, so that it fits just over all STUVA furniture with a depth of 50 cm, which gives it a nice chic look. You can then choose the length yourself. We have made it a standard product so that you can easily provide your measurements online. Your top will then already have a nice edge finish and any cracks or cracks in the knots will have been stopped so that your top is nice and smooth. Choose a lacquer finish or untreated if you prefer to do it yourself. Do you want your top from wall to wall? We also tailor the top to the millimeter, so that it fits exactly in your living room.
Match your BESTÅ TV cabinet
Immediately place a beautiful wooden top of the same thickness on your BESTÅ TV cabinet for even more unity and tranquility in your living room. Then choose the top for the IKEA BESTÅ TV cabinet .
Ha Johan, dat ligt er helemaal aan. Je kunt de kastjes naar eigen wens indelen en opschuiven. Dus de ruimte die je ertussen overhoudt is aan jou :) ter referentie, de maten van de poef zijn: 53×42×53cm (bhd). Het zal dus grofweg 120 cm zijn.
Hoeveel tussenruimte hanteren jullie, zodat 2 kids kunnen zitten?
Hey Rianne, het hele plaatje is inderdaad erg gaaf zo. De poefjes zijn Montel en heten ‘Cone’.
Gaaf! Ik ben ook benieuwd met name waar die grijze poefjes van zijn? Dank!
Hoi J, goede vragen :-) zelf je blad een kleur geven is zeer goed mogelijk, ook bij massief hout, als je niet te dikt schildert zie je heel mooi de nerven van het hout nog. IKEA wisselt vrij snel van collectie. De kastjes van de STUVA en SMÅSTAD serie zijn met hun hoogte van ca 64 cm zeer goed te gebruiken om een massief houten blad overheen te leggen. Geeft een beeld? Hartelijke groet DroomHout
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