Exhibition report Maison & Objet Paris

It's not nice to recover after driving for 4.5 hours, walking 10 kilometers through 8 halls, seeing Paris inside and out the next day, dragging 5 bags full of brochures... It means that you are completely up to date with the latest furniture, accessories, lighting and trends in interior design!
Also curious? I have identified 3 trends and made a short summary with photos, hopefully you will be as inspired as I am! Have fun,
Suzanne Oosterom, So!design.
Rich tweed & Royal Peacock
Masculine, comfortable and robust leather armchairs with cool details. Tweed fabric, peacock feathers and colorful floral prints. Accessories collected that are accurately placed as true still lifes. Inspired by the golden age. You see influences from hunting. Characteristic of this style is the abundance of warm colors and materials.
Fragile Pastels
Fragile folded cranes made of paper, transparent materials and thin chair legs. Clean lines, triangles and strings of beads. All mixed pastel shades with white as a fresh base color. Note the matte finish with a retro look.
Crafts & Chemistry
Technology, craftsmanship and sober materials are characteristic of this style. Often with accent color ocher yellow. Letters from small to large, in all kinds of fonts, are always found in furniture, accessories and on walls. No crowds, but passion for materials and technology.
Also read our blog post: Woonbeurs 2014 - lots of wood and color
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