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De DroomHout house selection of olive berries

De DroomHout huisselectie olijfessen

Table olive ash DroomHout In the series "wood types to dream about" we discuss olive ash, one of the newer wood types that DroomHout uses in beautiful design furniture and custom work and, together with European oak and American walnut, forms the core range of wood types. Olive ash, contrary to what the name suggests, has no relation to an olive tree but mainly relates to the olive-like coloration that the ash wood can have. Olive ash is actually ash wood with an excessive discoloration from no less than light green beige to deep dark brown. This discolouration mainly affects the heartwood, which means that older ash trees in particular have this discolouration in abundance. Together with the light whitish young wood, it gives the beautifully rich shade that is so characteristic of olive ash.

The olive ash that you buy at DroomHout comes from North America, which means that this olive ash has a beautiful, calm structure and is also available in long lengths. Olive ash can be worked just as easily as oak and walnut, the difference with these types of wood is that olive ash is tougher and more resilient. This also explains the use of olive ash for tennis rackets, hockey sticks, but also various hand tools and climbing equipment. A very nice addition to DroomHout's core range, you can admire the various applications of olive ash in furniture in our design studio, where you will also see the different finishing options of olive ash.

Also read our blog post: The DroomHout house selection oak

Table olive ash DroomHout

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De DroomHout house selection of olive berries